IAOMS Foundation Programs

Foundation Fellowship  |  Visiting Scholars Program 
 Gift of Knowledge  |  Additional Programs 

IAOMS Foundation Fellowship Program 

IAOMS offers Fellowship Programs annually.  Please check back for future information on the application process in 2024. 

Two Fellowships are focused on Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Surgery and are twelve months in duration.  The two locations of these Fellowships are the GSR Institute on Craniomaxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery in Hyderabad, India, and the Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital in Bangalore, India. 

The application deadline was November 9, 2023, and the recipients will be notified by the end of 2023.  Fellowships will run from September 2024 through August 2025.  The Fellowship Committee will determine the Fellowship location of each recipient.

Two Fellowships are focused on Oncology and Microvascular Reconstruction and are twelve months in duration.  The two locations of these Fellowships will be the Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology in Beijing, China, and the Ninth People’s Hospital in Shanghai, China. 

The application deadline was November 9, 2023, and the recipients will be notified by the end of 2023.  Fellowships will run from September 2024 through August 2025.  The Fellowship Committee will determine the Fellowship location of each recipient.

Candidates for the Fellowships must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Dental or Medical Degree or both, consistent with requirements in the candidate's country 
  • The program is open to those candidates who complete the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Training (Residency) Program by June 30, 2023, and for up to five years after completion of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Residency
  • Applicants should have a desire to pursue an academic career
  • Applicants should have the ability to communicate in English 
  • Applicants for all fellowships must be an IAOMS member for the 12 months preceding the application deadline or make a two-year membership commitment to IAOMS 

Applicants must submit the following materials:

  • Complete the on-line application
  • A personal statement on why you should be considered for the Fellowship (included in the on-line application)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Upload a letter of recommendation from your Training Program Director
  • Upload a letter from supporting institute documenting your privileges in oral and maxillofacial surgery. 

A Letter of Privileges certifies that you were a trainee or post-graduate trainee in a specifically named department.  The letter should come from your professor or department head and outline the specific privileges you enjoyed while in their program (i.e. types of surgery, diagnosis, how often, etc.)

  • Letters of recommendation from two members of IAOMS or your affiliated* national OMS association.  
  • Upload a list of three references (names and contact information of surgeons with whom you have worked)
  • Sign and upload the Confidentiality Agreement

Thank you for your interest in the IAOMS Foundation Fellowship program. Please contact Caryn Adolph if you have questions.  


Thanks to the generosity of our partners for their support of the fellowship programs:




IAOMS Visiting Scholars Program 

An Opportunity for IAOMS Members

Through the Visiting Scholars Program, the IAOMS has provided the opportunity for IAOMS members to travel to other countries and visit, for short periods, prestigious OMS Departments to enhance their postgraduate education by observing and studying with top surgeons and professors.  Each year, the IAOMS awards a number of scholarships to cover travel and living expenses.

View the Red Book, our on-line directory of IAOMS affiliated training facilities.

For questions, please contact Caryn Adolph.

Visiting Scholar Applicant Criteria:

  • All applicants must be current, active members of IAOMS at the time of application and throughout the term of the observership.
  • The Visiting Scholars Program is open to applicants who complete Residency Training by June 30, of their application year and for up to five years after graduation.
  • All visits must be within 2- 4 weeks in duration. 
  • All applicants must submit a written report to the IAOMS Foundation within two months of returning from their visit.
  • All applicants agree to share their experiences via interview, photo and video.

Application Requirements:

  • Applicants must complete the on-line application.
  • Applicants must submit a letter from their current Department Head indicating they have approved leave for the duration of the observership.
  • Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from an IAOMS member.
  • Applicants must submit their CV and a photo of themselves.
  • If approved, the candidate must submit a letter of confirmation from the host Training Center.
  • Visiting Scholars will be responsible for arranging their own traveling and immigration requirements, as well as insurances and allowances which may be required by the host country.



The following programs bring educational opportunities to young surgeons around the world.

Gift of Knowledge Program 

The Gift of Knowledge Program offers customized training throughout the world. IAOMS leaders volunteer their time to design, promote and implement comprehensive educational sessions, particularly in high need areas. For information on upcoming program locations, please contact Caryn Adolph.

We have presented trainings in 16 countries:

  • Thailand (2002 – 2004)
  • Peru (2004 – 2006)
  • East Africa (2007 – 2011)
  • Indonesia (2008 – 2009)
  • Paraguay (2008 – 2010)
  • Malaysia (2009 – 2011)
  • Philippines (2012 – 2014)
  • El Salvador (2013 – 2015)
  • Nigeria (2012 – 2015)
  • Sri Lanka (2014 – 2016)
  • Panama (2014 – 2017)
  • Dominican Republic (2018 – 2019)
  • Mexico (2018 – 2020)
  • Myanmar (2019)
  • Philippines (2020)
  • Guatemala * date to be determined

Regional Partners Program 

The Regional Partners Program funds educational and scholarship opportunities in collaboration with regional and national OMF associations.


For regional and national associations as well as corporations, the IAOMS Foundation offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities. Contact Caryn Adolph.